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A new technology, MONOLITHIC, Exclusively formed from uni-directional spread fibres.
Produced using specifically designed machinery to spread and plot fibres, to create a perfectly smooth sail
in one piece. No joins, no panels. MONOLITHIC sails are thus the best ‘shapeholding’ products
currently available on the market.

Custom designed sails made with state of the art materials
Sailcare & Repairs
Custom covers and accessories
Phone us on 01394 386323 with your enquiry
Our latest news and blog
“Gentlemen, when the enemy is committed to a mistake we must not interrupt him too soon.”
Race 1 & 2 Early Summer. The above quote [...]
Ticket to ride, white line highway Tell all your friends, that they can go my way Pay your toll….
I've been sailing at Felixstowe ferry for more than [...]
So bring your good times, and your laughter too We gonna celebrate your party with you? Race 4!
After a weekend enjoying Coronation Beer (i was one [...]
The ‘Man in Hat sits on Chair’ one, you’ll need a comfy seat for this
Perkins (port) Kingsfleet (port) Oystercatcher (starboard) [...]
Race 2 early spring series ‘Brrrr… yes it’s bit chilly, but no matter…”
Course: Oystercatcher (P) Perkins (P) Kingsfleet (P) 4 laps [...]
The same but different
There's an awful lot of different boat designs out [...]
Suffolk Sails
9 Tide Mill Way, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 1BY
01394 386323